There are so many fun ways to use the number line in the classroom! BUT first…. make the number line FUN…then do the FUN things with it. Check out my newest product….number line manipulatives. My students are LOVING these!
You can grab these number lines { here } ,
they come with instructions on how to make them AND you’ve got to pick up the fun animal beads instead of the normal go to circular beads. I promise it will make this task even MORE engaging! If you want to watch a video where I explain these in more detail head on over to my instagram stories. I found my animal beads at Michaels.
NOW that you have the fun number lines you are ready to make your math practice, review and lessons more engaging and memorable for your students! Play games with the number lines, ask questions and have them hold up their number lines with the bead on the correct answer. Have them work in pairs and ask one another addition/subtraction questions. The possibilities are endless.
For instance, they can ask their partner questions like: Move your bead and show 4 more than 8. What is 5 less than 16? It would even work perfectly if you just have a few minutes before snack and need some ‘filler’ time.
Let me know how you use it – you can find me on
Instagram @teachingmore
Twitter @teachingmore
Facebook @TeachingandMuchMoore
And of course you can always join me here for my weekly series:
As always…
happy teaching!