So you all know what day is coming up shortly right?!? Now that I’ve moved up to third grade I { sometimes } okay A LOT of times feel like I’m missing out on stuff…you know like:
100th day
101st day
Dr. Seuss day
Wild Rumpus Week
you know cool – stuff! I did send a text to the Leprechaun guy and the Elf on the Shelf because HELLO ~ I still need a life in 3rd grade with my little cuties. AND have you noticed third graders don’t have a cute, catchy name like first graders? I mean thirdies just doesn’t do it for me like firsties…are you with me there?
So back to Dr. Seuss Day – he’s BIG I tell ya. His people are big – like don’t MESS around with Seuss big. No products, craftivities, etc. kinda big. So that leaves us to either:
A.) make our own personal stuff and don’t even THINK about posting it anywhere no way no how
B.) come up with cool stuff to do in class that can’t be sold, purchased, bought, looked at, gawked at etc.
So looking back over the years I wanted to share some fun ideas I’ve done with the ole Cat in the Hat guy so you can copy do them too if you’d like. Oh and remember no products for this guy – like EVER!
So usually we ( my team of just ONE other teacher ) ~ seriously this is no lie. Waaayyy back in 2003 there were 7 or 8 or even 9 of us at a grade level if we had a combo…and we had the good old 20:1 ratio back then in So. Cal. Then my school downsized TWICE and almost closed a bunch of times…so now there are just 2 teachers at a grade level. Anywho we usually dressed up with a red bow around our neck, whiskers on our face and a Cat in the Hat hat of course. Then one day I had this idea to SWITCH it UP and we were Thing 1 and Thing 2 which again is perfect since there’s only 2 of us so no one felt left out.
We have done directed draws of cat in the hat…, we’ve had guest readers come throughout the day…umm we’ve done some pinteresty ideas with hot air balloons and such: Well here are some pics from over the years:
Oh yeah ~ how can I forget we always make green eggs and ham.
Shh! Don’t tell the FOOD POLICE in our district about EITHER of these. We have a healthy coyote rule at our school and an even bigger one at the DO – which I usually always follow but some days you kinda have to cheat a little – just think of it as a cheat day on your diet.
I just melted white chocolate and put 2 pretzel sticks together then added a yellow or green M & M ~ done!
This is the year we switched it up and we were all Thing 1 and Thing 2’s…cute with the Truffula Trees right?!!? { those were made with pool noodles by the way and lots did I say LOTS of tissue paper }
Eek! My precious little man in the red was a 3rd grader way back then..adorbs!
Well there you have it…here are tons of ideas to get you all ready for the big day!!