First I have to say these don’t happen quite enough…I think we need to shoot for once a quarter. Maybe not totally realistic but it would be great!!! Thank you to Katie and Kate for organizing this fun meet up in the O.C.
Here are some fun pictures ~~ Thank you to Heidi and Wendy too for their wonderful donations!!! { and my fluttering friends for the darling note pads ~ Tammy and Christy }
Okay now for the roll call…
I was surrounded by:
Hadar, Michelle, Shawna, Wendy, Tammy, Christy, Annie, Traci, Fran, Kathy, Heidi, Aris, Kay, Layla, Kate, Katie, Shannon, Kristy, Katie ~ I hope that’s everyone – it sure was fun. Thanks ladies…until next time.

Looks like it was a blast. Hopefully we can be at the next one! 🙂
The REAL Teachers of Orange County
Looks like you ladies had a wonderful time!
Sara 🙂
Smiling In Second Grade
Hahaha. Love the last picture! It was so great to see you Vicky, and once a quarter sounds like a plan. 🙂
Christy & Tammy
Fluttering Through First Grade
How fun! Wish I could've gone!
First Grade Dual
So fun seeing you Vicky! These things are just too far apart!
I had a wonderful time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am hoping we get together in August or September.