An Award…
Thank you Adrianne over for giving me the Liebster Blog award — given to new bloggers with under 200 followers!
Here’s what you need to do: Thank the person that awarded you the award in your post, choose 5 other friends to nominate and comment on their blog so they know, copy and paste the award to your blog and hopefully your followers will see your 5 and start following them as well…As part of receiving this award I am honored to nominate 5 other blogs that I enjoy reading…I here by nominate:
Now it’s your turn to nominate some other fortunate blog authors. Just make a post similar to mine and tag five authors with the award. Make sure to come visit my page to copy and paste this and pick 5 others. :o) Great job on gaining followers and already creating freebies and TPT – nice!
I love that we all are passionate about our professions and care enough to share with others, thank you all for inspiring me to be a better teacher everyday.
On a different note Friday was Western Day at my school ~~ here I am with my sweet son!

Congrats on your award and love the western pics!! =)
First Grade Blue SKies
Congrats on getting the award!! Your blog is a great one:)
Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for the award. You are too sweet. 🙂
I soooo bad want to do a western theme some day. I have the clipart and sooo many ideas. Our building does a "building theme" each year and that has never been it!! BUMMER!!
Cute Blog!!! Following you too with my Teea Timer's!!!
Hey!! Thanks for your post!! What a cute blog! I am your newest follower!
Miss J
Smiles, Crayons, and Endless Stories
Gotta love Western Day! Cute, cute pics! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm now following you!
Peace, Love, and First Grade
I'm glad you found my blog…cause it helped me find your super cute blog:) Thanks for sharing your cute ideas and pictures! I love the Fancy Desk for well behaved students!
We are ALL Special!
Hi robynn
I did an entire western theme for open house one year…I have pics on my website if you want to take a peek
I hope you get to do that theme one day :0)
Thanks so much for my award! 🙂 You are the sweetest!
Kim @
Carried Away in Kindergarten