The winner(s) for my big giveaway were announced on my facebook page…if you don’t already follow my fb click {here}. I often have flash freebies and giveaways there and previews for products before they are released.
Congrats to the very talented Jamie Pink from Bright Concepts 4 teachers for being my big blog winner and very sweet and supportive Sam C. for being my big FB winner.
Now onto more hands on ideas to use in the classroom. Start collecting egg cartons….all you need to do is write numbers in them with a sharpie and add beans! It’s seriously that SIMPLE. I had these made since around 1999 and they are always a big hit in my room. You can provide 2 beans for your little guys….but for older kids or to make it more challenging – add 3 beans or use 2 and multiply instead of add them. They close the lid and SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE. Then when they open the lid if one bean is in a 3 and the other in a 5 spot they can add = 8 or multiply = 15. It’s very fun ~ don’t say I didn’t warn you though it gets a teeny bit loud with all that shaking. BUT they are engaged, having fun and focused thinking so it all works out I promise…except for that headache you might get. But I’m pretty sure you might have gotten one anyway after a long week right?!!? j/k
Another fun one ~ start collecting Altoid Tins. I will disclose and just come clean…I bought a ‘lot’ on ebay years ago because I get a teensy bit impatient when I have an idea I want to roll with…
Here’s what you do…
Well that’s it for now…let me know if you try one of these ideas or share one of yours in the comments below. I’d love to try something new in my classroom.

I love the tins for money. What a great idea!! By the way, you've been nominated for the SUNSHINE award! Check out my latest blog post for the rules! 😉
Pinkadots Elementary