Last week I was { sad } at my class so they leprechaun wasn’t up to much!! I had a 1/2 day sub and they must’ve been learning from our dear ol’ naughty leprechaun because they were just that….naughty!! She had to get a teacher from across the hall to come in because they were being loud and rude! Insert Big Ol’ SAD FACE here!!!! I know that I will be gone a day and a 1/2 this coming week so I really laid into them about behaving for a sub. Anywho because of that I didn’t feel like having my friend ( the leprechaun ) do much that would be considered { fun }.
He was hanging out by our flag doing the pledge all day long…that must have gotten tiring.
Hopefully I will be able to report to you that they were
** GREAT** for my sub this coming week. Fingers Crossed! Now for some fun…I don’t want to just repeat some of the things that my elf did in December but I need some more ideas people. I will do the typical footprints and tipped over chairs, etc. as it get’s closer to St. Paddy’s day… I am going to have him eating a bowl of Lucky Charms one day this week. But give me an idea he can be doing in my classroom along with your email and I will pick and idea/post pics and give you a product from my store of your choice for FREE!!!! So be creative and leave me a comment below.
Also check out these fun newbies…
Lastly and probably MOST IMPORTANTLY — the So. Cal chicks are having a BLOGGY MEET UP!!!! I can’t wait!! Considering I got lost and ended up 1 1/2 hours late to the other one I will have my GPS and mapquest ready to GO!!!!
I am linking up to RSVP — so looking forward to this!!!
Don’t forget to leave me ideas/comments – thanks everyone!!

Can't wait to see you at the meet up Vicky!!!! 🙂 Your leprechaun could play with your alphabet chart… When we had the elf in our classroom, she crossed off "E for Egg" and wrote "E for Elf" and put a picture of herself on it… 🙂 Wishing you a happy (and well behaved!!!) week! 🙂
Hmm…you could have him counting your manipulative money coins to add to his collection of gold. Or he could be drawing a map to where his pot of gold is. I hope your kids behave better for your next sub. But my classes never behave as well for subs either!
Ugh, I can TOTALLY relate about the sub…makes it that much harder to be gone!
Tales of Frogs and Cupcakes
Let's see… You can get a personal pizza box and a small bottle of soda and have them set up as if he ate dinner in the room and left a mess.
He can be sitting at your small group area with mini supplies out as if he was leading a group lesson for other stuffed animal friends.
He can rearrange your library (or part of it) and make silly tags for your book baskets.
Perhaps he leaves a trail of lucky charms to a pot of gold.
He can do something with your calendar – mark special leprechaun days or change it around.
Oh the possibilities are endless! Can't wait to see what you come up with!
Vicky… That naughty guy needs to get into some glitter maybe some gold glitter! He needs to eat some sweets and leave the wappers all around!
I need to get my hand on the Cinco de Monkey!!! my birthday is the 6th and unit would be awesome as a birthday week celebration!
:o) V.
Special Teacher for Special Kids
Can't wait for the meet up too! 😀 Maybe your leprechaun can leave a gold coin or two (chocolate ones) to a student who was caught being really good while you're away. I saw some in the dollar section at Target. 🙂
LOVE your Leprechaun! Makes me miss the ELF terribly!
Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe
Can't wait to see you again!
woot! see ya there!
So fun! Your leprechaun could be marking different areas of the classroom with an X to let the students think that is where his pot of gold is at. Of course, he will never tell.
I don't know about your behavior system but if you have green for good behavior maybe you could have him leave a note saying that he will change all the cards to green if the class can behave for the sub.
I think your leprechaun should get into Skittles and arrange them in a rainbow.
You could…
print all of their work on green paper for the day…
drop those gold coin candies in a few places
put green erasers on all the pencils
………He is a cutie leprechaun!
Going Nutty!
Can't wait to hear how it all turned out!
Learning With Mrs. Leeby
It was so nice to meet you on Saturday. I am your newest blog follower and what a Cute blog it is!
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