My sweet friend Traci over at Dragonflies in First
recently wrote a little post that gave me a chuckle and got me thinking back. 19 years of teaching are sure to bring back some fun memories! One of my friends ( and former parent from my past ) saw my facebook post about Where the Wild Things Are and commented…I remember when my son had visits from Zero the Hero. { Her son is now a grown adult and married by the way } Yes, that ages me a bit. :o/
Anyway I had to do a Throwback Thursday because Traci was posting about Miss Viola Swamp. Well in 2008 I had the HONOR of teaching my own daughter and I came in as the Mystery Reader dressed as Miss Viola Swamp. I acted like her and had the kids really second guessing. LOL It was great fun. So I had to scan a page from my sweet daugter’s memory book to show you’all.
Do you have a Mystery Reader program? It’s the best, the kids – parents – grandparents and even my former students just love it.
If you aren’t sure what it is —- let me explain.
Tell the parents about the program at back to school night and tell them if they or a special family member want to come in to email you and keep it a SECRET!!!
They will send you 5 clues – starting out very general. I live in ____city. To very specific by the end. I have a pug…or I have a son in this class, etc.
The kids guess who it might be and I call down to the office to send the guest to my room. I lay out the RED CARPET for them and they walk in and read a story to the class. Sweetest thing ever and my students look forward to whenever we have one. Here are some pics of some from the past.
A little girl’s grandpa was in town and read to the kids.
Our cute crossing guard came in to read to us.
My awesome dad came in – that’s me with my daughter too when she was in my class a while back.
Our mascot the Jackson Coyote came in to read with us, that was AMAZING!!!
Here is a picture showing how we literally roll out the red carpet for our mystery reader guests.
{ I was actually featured in Education World – if you click on the picture it will take you to the article about me }
Try the program it’s so fun for the kids and builds great community! P.S. How do you like my updated blog design?
Alicia from Dreamlike Magic ROCKS!!! If you need a new design check her out for sure!

Hi Vicky! Thanks for leaving us some love!! That is awesome that you were featured in Education World. I just read the article and like how you roll out the red carpet and hang a special sign for your mystery readers. Your students must be so excited on Mystery Reader days! I also love the new blog design! Take care!
The REAL Teachers of Orange County
That's an awesome idea. I love it!
Grade ONEderful
I LOVE doing the Mystery Reader this year, the kiddos really enjoy it! And I must say, the Viola Swamp idea is BRILLIANT! I can't wait to do it! 🙂 Thanks for sharing! And yes, I love the new blog look! Too cute!
MOORE Fun In Kindergarten
LOVE your new look!!! And, Mystery Reader – how cool! Heading over to read your Education World feature now. 🙂
Growing Firsties is having a Pete the Cat Giveaway that also donates to Hurricane Sandy Relief!
stop for coming by my page! You won my Christmas Craftivity. I wasn't able to find your e-mail address. But please e-mail me at so I could send it to you. Congrats.
Your Mystery Reader program is such a fun idea.
By the way – you are far too pretty to truly pull of being Miss Viola Swamp… just sayin'. 😀
I love your Mystery Readers!! That sounds like so much fun!
Lessons with Laughter