The Snowy Day is such a fun, sweet perfect picture book for a read aloud in the Winter. The Snowy Day activities are perfect for the classroom in these winter months.
There are endless ideas you can use with this delightful story! ❄☃❆❅
The Snowy Day Crafts and Activities
This activity pack has been a big hit in my classroom for years! I’ve included LOTS of hands on activties, craft ideas, book response pages and more.
Winter Sensory Bin Ideas:
* use pictures in your sensory bin for preschoolers and kindergartners. Kids love seeing their pictures and pictures of their friends or at home – they will love picking out family members and saying their names! ** BE sure to SUPERVISE toddlers or only use items in the sensory bin that can not be choked on etc. **
Another idea: Use as a Sunday School teacher – you could put Bible characters in the bin and have kids recognize them.
* use numbers / letters for your early TK – Kinder learners. This will help them recognize important symbols to help them learn.
* use sight words for K/1 kiddos – have them practice their sight words and build recognition and fluency.
To make the sensory bin wintery just add white pom poms, clear jewels, blue or turquoise bag fillers, blue tissue paper, dyed rice etc.
As you can see on the top picture with the purple sensory bin, I added some clipart to the tongs. It just makes it more thematic and cute – I told the kids Peter ( from the story ) was helping them with the sensory bin.
***NOTE*** be sure to include tongs in your bin to assist in building their fine motor skills with any of the ages above. Even first graders sometimes have trouble with the basic pencil grip so this can still be beneficial.
Hands on multi sensory activity
SHAVING cream is so much fun as well for your young ones! The tactile experience is just too good to pass up. They will be thrilled to touch, squeeze and have the cream ooze between their fingers. Put it on top of a wintery picture/placemat or again numbers and letters. As they move the shaving cream around they can say the letters aloud.
As mentioned earlier this activity pack has sorts, story retell, sequencing, crafts, writing and much more.
The Snowy Day Digital Game
Also, I made a super fun, digital game that is based around The Snowy Day, it’s very engaging and editable! You can grab it here
For this game, you hide Peter behind the snowball of your choice. Kids either on ZOOM, on a device or a smartboard will say a word and click on it to see if Peter is behind it. Keep playing until someone finds Peter. You can change where you put him each time.
I hope you have fun implementing some of these fun ideas…for more fun ideas tune in each Wednesday with me here on the blog!