COVID has made our year anything but normal, I think we can all agree on that. One thing I have done more of this year for sure is online shopping! 🛒🛍
I have to admit, although I miss the massive Christmas trees filling the malls and the sounds of Christmas music blaring through the speakers 🎄🎅 – I have enjoyed the quietness of perusing online shops from behind my computer screen. 💻
The hustle and bustle of dodging crowds and looking for the all elusive parking spot has been replaced with a blanket across my legs and scrolling through online shops in the warmth of my own home. 🏡
With that being said, I wanted to be sure and thank the delivery drivers bringing me all the goods. Usually while shopping during the holiday season I make sure to STOP , look the cashier in the eye and with a warm smile thank them for helping me. I get it, they’re tired – working long shifts with some ( not so nice customers ) at times. 😴🛌
I spent most of my life prior to teaching in the pool – competing, lifeguarding, teaching swim lessons…however, I did spend a year in retail while I was getting my teaching credential. Let’s just say I didn’t love it. 👎
Since, I’m unable to give a smile and some kind words to the hard working retail employees in our current state of lockdowns here in So. Cal, I want to show my appreciation for the delivery drivers dropping off our packages. 🎁🎁
This of course is not a new idea, I’ve seen it on Pinterest for years and it always warmed my heart knowing this idea has gone viral. We could all use a little more kindness and a little less harshness right!?!?
So, the idea behind this that ended up going viral a few years ago is to just show your appreciation by leaving some goodies, beverages and a note of appreciation. If you’ve had the opportunity to see some of the video responses from the drivers they have been heart warming as well. Some dancing, singing, thanking the home owners via Ring, it’s been awesome! It just shows what a small act of kindness can do to brighten someone’s day! 🌞
If you’d like a copy of a note to leave with your goodie basket – you can grab it here.
If you end up using this, take a picture and share the love so others will join in and bless our hard working drivers.
Be blessed my friends,