
Happy Hump Day friends!!!!  Welcome to another edition of  I’m so excited to talk to you about the amazing website Flocabulary!  If you haven’t heard of it or checked it…

Social Media and Teaching

Images everywhere – Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat filters ~ I can barely keep up.  We are surrounded by ‘perfect’ images constantly and not to mention everyone’s ‘highlight reel‘ of life. …

Bright Ideas Incentive

I love rewarding kids, finding the good, praising…. accentuating the positive!  So, I love finding, thinking of or coming across ideas that can do just that.  This weekend I was…

Pin Art and Fine Motor Skills

Did you know that fine motor skills need to be developed just like other early developmental skills like recognizing colors and letters?  Fine motor skills is a synonym to dexterity…

Be the difference

My heart comes to you this week very heavy teacher friends… with the most recent shooting in Florida I’m spent.  I’m sad, frustrated, and beyond angry!  Why don’t the powers…

Fractions on a number line

Teaching { equivalent } fractions on a number line can be fun for your students…I promise!  Today we had a blast and turned it into an interactive activity.  Happy hump…

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