{ “I just like to smile…smiling is my favorite!” } ~~ HA! Great movie! Well I hope you figured it out with the clue. Our elf on the shelf arrived yesterday!!!!! I wrapped her up in a package and stuck it in the FREEZER all day! The clerk came in acting all crazy and said, ” Oh my goodness Mrs. Moore I hate to interrupt but you received a package from the North Pole.” I was all shocked and the return address said Santa’s Workshop ~~ WOW! Can you imagine that. The kids were beside themselves with excitement. Of course the package was covered with Santa stickers too.
So we proceeded to open the package and this is what we found:
Our elf came and ~~ she was wearing a mustache! It happened to be mustache day at my school so of course she came in the spirit. The kids laughed so hard! I know kids aren’t suppose to touch ‘elf’ but I had to let them just this once because she was sooo cold from the freezer…I mean North Pole.
I had to let them feel how cold she was and they couldn’t believe she came all that far and was still cold.
But then I had to be sure to read the story so they knew not to touch her again…we didn’t want her to lose her magical powers.
She is just adorable and we will have soo much fun with her. We had a great afternoon with her there ‘watching’ and taking notes for Santa. I think she’s going to get into the first aid kit over the weekend…SpongeBob bandaids anyone?!? Oh we voted on our name and they picked Snowflake. She has little snowflakes embroidered around her skirt so I think it fits. This is so much fun – can you tell it’s our first year doing it? I’m so stinkin’ excited! I think I see a cute Elf on the Shelf Unit in my future for next year.

Ahhh!!!! She's not as creepy as the other ones I've seen! 🙂 Love your hat!!!
Last year was my first year doing elf on a shelf and my kids loooved it! I'm so excited for ours to come Monday 🙂 I've seen so many fun ideas on Pinterest! And I'm definitely doing the freezer… Err… North Pole idea 🙂
Does she have a mustache?!!? lol
OMG This is fabulous and I love how you are making this so much fun. I cannot wait to see your next post. My kinder classes are doing this (a little pressure from me-shhhh) and I have a 5th grade teacher rocking this out too!
Love your Elf On A Shelf and I need some fuzzy slippers, too!
Learning With Mrs. Leeby
What fun! I definitely want to do Elf on the Shelf! Can't wait to hear about all the mischief your elf gets into! I'm your newest follower 🙂 Hailey from Autism Tank