sELFless Kindness Challenge

December 7, 2016

Happy Wait for it Wednesday my friends!

I have a great group of kids ~ but let’s face it, it’s December and we are all a little  lot tired!  Today was especially rough for some reason, maybe because we are having SNOW delivered tomorrow and having a Polar Express Night at our school and we live in Southern California I don’t know…haha. ( love our PTA )

But anywho I was thinking about the 3 weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas and what I could do to make it meaningful for my students.  I thought about our elf and thought we could focus on kindness and being selfless.  So the idea was born and I worked on a fun pack.  Well I’ve been using it now since we’ve been back and it’s been fun and beneficial for my students.  I think it’s so important to focus on giving rather than receiving and I knew this pack would do the trick for changing their mindset.  If we ‘spy’ a child doing a sELFless act they can earn a sELFless gram or choose a shining bright gram to hang up.  Our wall is filling up fast!

You can hear more about it by watching my video explaining it and how to use it in your classroom:

If you want to try this out in your own classroom, click picture.

random  acts of kindness ideas and activities

My helper of the day picks out of our Mason Jar of kindness and reads what kindness act we are going to be focusing on each day.  I’ve really seen a difference in their hearts and actions since I started this over a week ago.  If you want to check it out watch the video or click ( here )  Hang in there just about a week and a half until break!


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