PLC revisted…sorta

September 5, 2013

Hi friends,   I really want to hear your comments on this one because I’m curious about your site and how you do things.  My school has gone through major transformations.  It opened in1999 { the same year my baby girl was born. } I transferred in to job share and did that for 7 years.  We had about 1,000 students then.  During that time I taught 1st, 2nd and 3rd.  We were introduced to PLC’s around 2007.  Here’s the deal….between 1999 and now 2 new schools were built almost a stone’s throw from ours and we lost 26 teachers.  Can you imagine the number of students we lost?  We barely broke 400 this year.  So I’ve seen a lot of changes for sure.

Anywho – last year I was the ONLY first grade teacher.  It’s pretty impossible to do PLC with me, myself and I so they were kinda non existent.  We are one of 2 schools out of 26 elementary in our district that is uniquely small like this.  So ~~~ now that we have common core this year – our district is mandating Interventions and PLC’s.  When the curriculum police come through they want to see us during an intervention block instead of a regular teaching block and they want to see our PLC’s in action….this otta’ be fun!

So we are now all hard core about plc’s and implementing common core and oh I forgot to mention they are also mandating we do an online grade book for first grade called pinnacle.  I am a bit overwhelmed.  So we met today – went over our norms and are frantically trying to figure out our 4x’s a week intervention blocks.  Whew!  Are you tired yet, cuz I’m exhausted just thinking about all of it. How long have you been doing PLC’s and interventions? How often do you have interventions, etc… How are they going?  There are 2 first grade teachers and a combo teacher now so it’s definitely better than just me, myself and I — oh wait – that wasn’t so bad.  I supported and agreed with everything I did. LOL


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  • Unknown September 5, 2013 at 2:55 am

    We started PLC last year. Actually your school sounds a lot like mine. We had to split our school up a few years ago. However, I numbers still remain high (about 800). We are suppose to meet with small groups everyday and have intervention. But sometimes it is hard. We implemented the full Common Core this year along with new teacher evaluations, new math and reading series. I know what you mean about trying to stay above the water. During our PLC meetings we usually talk about some form of data such as DIBELS, STAR reports, Cold Comprehension score. We compare our classes and toss out ideas that work and don't work. Then we try some of the ideas during small group time. It is still a work in progress trying to figure it all out. Hang in there!!!!


  • whitesilkpurse September 5, 2013 at 3:03 am

    Do you ability group for reading or other subjects? We've found that helps immensely with interventions for both strugglers and those who need enrichment. — A few times a year we cross-class ability group to provide some very direct help, again for all levels. We also utilize our room parents on a weekly basis for about half an hour of ability grouped math extensions. (And, of course, all of this is planned via the PLC.) Hope this helps. 🙂

  • Kayla September 5, 2013 at 3:17 am

    I did PLCs and an intervention block once, and personally, I didn't like it. Our PLCs were once a week during classroom instruction. An aid would take over my classroom for two hours while I was gone. I think PLCs are important, but I prefer working during lunch and specials once a week or so. I just didn't like being removed from my classroom. The PLC was supposed to be for planning, but it was mainly to respond to notes/SIT meetings, etc. As for the intervention block, mine was first thing in the morning from 8-8:50. Again, I think setting aside some time for intervention is good, but I hated the time slot. The whole class wasn't even in my room to start the day. I kind of used the time as a morning work/intervention period…oops. Anyway, I hope your PLCs and intervention period are better than mine were! Done right, I think it can be helpful.

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