Sometimes teachers need a pick me up…admit it! You’d probably never turn down a parent that shows up on a hot day with iced coffee or fresh banana bread or the never let you down piece of chocolate. Am I wrong?!?!
I came across a darling pencil cookie that was SUPER EASY PEASY to make so I wanted to share it with you. It doesn’t take long either and you don’t have to turn the oven on…#winning When you live where it’s hot ain’t nobody want to turn on the oven for dinner or baking….AMEN!!?!
Aren’t these the cutest!?!?! This is all you need:
* vanilla wafer cookies
* white tube icing
* pink tube icing
* mini chocolate morsels
I grabbed these at Walmart – you can get them at Target or your favorite grocery store.
FIRST – Cut the cookies carefully into a point at one end.
NEXT – Place white frosting on that end and add one mini chocolate morsel as the tip.
THEN – Place pink frosting on the opposite end for the eraser top.
Your friends/ child’s teacher/ staff will love these…almost too cute to eat!!! Hope you’ve had a great start to your year!