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Sensory Bins

I have ALWAYS wanted to teach kindergarten!  In fact, when I wrote my final paper for my credential it was all about my ‘dream job’ of being a kindergarten teacher. …

Small Group Engagement Made Easy

Engaging ALL of your small group students – ALL of the time.  Sounds a bit daunting right?!?!  Especially if you are herding cats working with kindergartners – I mean. Well I have found…

Multi sensory Bags

I’m always trying to think of ways to reach kiddos ( like all of you I’m sure ) otherwise you wouldn’t even be reading this right now.  So since I’m…

Pumpkin Fun with Grade 1

My favorite season is Fall…not because I like pumpkin spice {gag} — sorry to all my psl fans.  But I love when it gets cooler and the leaves change color. …

Colored Salt Trays

We’ve all read, seen or heard the research over the years…kids need to use several modalities while learning.  I know I’m a visual person so I tend to like to…
