I’m always trying to think of ways to reach kiddos ( like all of you I’m sure ) otherwise you wouldn’t even be reading this right now. So since I’m now a literacy specialist and working with K – 3 on all things literacy I’ve tried to think outside the box on what might be beneficial to my youngest learners.
I work with kinders on letters, sounds and sight words and know that many of them benefit from a multi sensory approach. So with that being said, I decided to make some squishy bags that honestly could double as a calm down kit activity.
This is how I made them, super easy and you probably have most of the items right in your cabinet as I write this.
ziplock sandwich baggies or gallon size bags
food coloring
hair gel
I squirted about 1/3 cup of hair gel into the baggies, added approx. 4 drops of food coloring and several pinches of glitter. Whala: you just created a bit of magic to a 5 year old.
I just spread all the ingredients around in the baggie and that’s it.
For extra precaution you could add duct tape. I did go over the ziplock top with duct tape to better secure the bags. You never know when you are going to come across an over zealous kidddo that squeezes just a tad too hard.
So, it’s that easy and cheap…most of these materials you may even have at home or school. My littles ask all the time if they can use these bags to write their sight words. It’s a great motivator for those reluctant kiddos you have and can double as a calm down activity. #winning
Let me know if you try this out. Happy teaching my friends!