As most of you know I love to share ideas/traditions that were passed on to me by my parents…or new ones that I’ve started with my own family like this one . In fact I think it has been my most popular pin on pinterest…
16 reasons why I love my husband on our 16th wedding anniversary poster size on our bedroom door for when he woke up. Well today is one of the most special days ever…my sweet boy was born 12 years ago today. My kids are truly my blessings as I was told I couldn’t have kids years ago. We wanted to be surprised with him and didn’t find out if he was a boy or a girl…so my doctor had his own tradition…when a baby is born at that moment everyone in the room sings happy birthday even the nurses…so we had 2 names Josh and Allie ( for Allison ) ~ everyone was singing: Happy Birthday deeeeeeeaaaaaaaarrrr and then he flipped him over ~ Joshua!! I was so excited! I had a girl so having a boy was wonderful. This is what he woke up to today….
Now onto what my parents called the prayer dot…I have the prayer dot in full affect right now. My parents would put a red dot on their watches when I was pregnant with my kids, during times of family crisis, etc. The prayer dot is on because my sweet 14 year old daughter is heading to the EAST COAST with just her friends and teachers for her 8th grade trip. She will be there for 7 days hitting up D.C., New York, Boston, and Penn. It will be such a great experience for her but I have to admit I’m kind of nervous…so I’m giving it to God! Every time I look down at my watch I see the dot and pray for her ~ so easy!
The other great thing about the prayer dot is people ask about it and what a great way to tell others how I feel about the Lord and prayer. <3

I may have to do this for my husband. We celebrate 10 years in May and I love this idea!
I will say a prayer for safe travels for your daughter.
Aww thank you, I appreciate it. <3
Lovely!! We did that for the youngest when she turned 18… her sister's idea… since I never thought of it for her, she wanted to do it for the baby.. gosh talk about feeling guilt at the same time!! My maiden name is Moore.. from Tennessee!! Maybe we are cousins!!
Safe travels to your baby!!
Love the prayer dot idea! I've never heard of that and am going to start using that. Thanks, Carol