{ I was trying to schedule this post and my computer got all crazy…I will try to link this post up on Monday but here it is early }
Hi everyone! So the countdown to school is slowly beginning and I’m on my last vacay of the summer with my family. This is coming to you { sorta } via Florida. We are hitting up Disneyworld – all the parks and Daytona Beach to see family. Anyways I’m here to share my projects with you….not my vacation plans. :o)
The last few days I have been busy packing and cleaning ~ creating one last unit and making things for my classroom and believe it or not I fit in packing and cleaning too.
I think most of you know I’m switching to an owl theme this year so I made this really cute guy:
After posting this on instagram I received emails asking for a tutorial so here it is:
I got lucky with the lantern I bought it for my daughter’s room many years ago and it was an extra in a pack.
** First I put the ears on ~ I just cut triangles and made them extra long. I folded the bottom to wrap against the top rim of the lantern underneath and added modge podge for glue…normally I would’ve used my glue gun but I ran out of sticks! Oh the horror!!! LOL
Next I traced a large spool of ribbon for the first layer of the eye. The second layer { black part } I just drew and cut out.
Then I cut out wings…I just drew those as well and put glue only along the top to put onto my owl – almost at eye level on each side.
Here she is…
I was also busy working on some other things:
I had to change my yellow/grey and black clothespins for displaying work — to brighter colors for my owl room. Washi tape to the rescue…so much easier than when I made the original set. I used scrapbook paper and mod podge and it got soo messy.
{ Do you know the secret about hot gluing a tack to the back to push right into your wall?!? }
Next up:
My mom used to write message to her students { like rebus stories }. So of course I carried on this tradition. Each Monday my students will be greeted with a message like this from me to hopefully encourage and inspire them. Sometimes it’s a stretch but they have fun with it like — bee + leaf = believe. Above the left picture is You are a super star. ( The needs a turn/had a turn project above the chevron frame I will talk about that more with my room set up in a few weeks. )
I just keep finding things on sale – it’s hard to walk away from a good deal. :o)
Link on up
The last thing I have squeezed in is a set of k-2 first day packs.
Ok that’s it folks! I will see y’ all when I get back. <3

I have the materials to make a green paper lantern owl. Yours turned out so cute. Where did you get your cute chevron owl?
Hi Lori – I got the chevron owl at CVS of all places, they also had one with a polka dotted belly. :o)
Love the owl! Enjoy your vacation!
Sara 🙂
Smiling In Second Grade
Hi Lori – I am your newest follower and love what you have been up to. Since I change themes every year due to looping, I will be starting out with owls…I'm so excited! I have seen so many cute ideas and can't wait to decorate my class. I have to get started with the owl lantern-too cute! Where did you get the lanterns without breaking the bank?
Hi Vicky! That owl is too cute! I just bought my first roll of Washi tape today – I know, I know…where have I been? I can't wait to try all the cool things I've seen done with it!
Teaching Little Miracles
Vicky- Love the tack trick on the back of the clothes pin! Can't believe I didn't think of that! LOL
The Resourceful Apple