Don’t hate me friends, but I’m looking ahead to January and thinking about what I’m teaching this month. I hope you have all had a wonderful Winter Break and are (somewhat) ready to go back. I thought I would compile some fun MLK Jr. ideas for you since that is a topic that will be coming up very soon once we hit the ground running.
This fun craftivity is one that my team partner in first and I did for years together. I love the unity it declares right when you look at it. The children learn all about MLK and then write about him. The paper is just folded to meet in the middle and the written paper is glued down. Then the top paper is where you have your students
( ideally with a parent helper ) place their painted hands on it so the fingers overlap in the 2 colors. This is always a favorite and looks great as a display for your hallways.
Another one the kids always enjoy doing and they are always so proud of their work is a MLK Jr. directed drawing, I always have them write words that remind them of him or character traits around him as well.
My pack has lots of great hands on activities and printables.
Another fun part of this pack is a craft that would make a fun display.
What are some fun things you like to do to honor MLK Jr.’s memory?