I love creating things and I keep a note pad by my bed to write down crazy, hair brain fabulous ideas that come to me at 2 am. I am definitely a right brained thinker! With that being said I will tell you I’m way more creative than I am organized. I’m not a slob or extremely messy ~ however when I’ve got a project going on I just don’t mess around and there just may be a big ol’ mess for a few days or weeks or something like that – unless company is comin’ then well that’s a whole nother story. { Especially if it’s the in- laws…just sayin’ } LOVE them so much but feel the need to impress still after 18 ish years.
Any who enough with the ramblin’ because I need to share how I made my READ block letters that I’ve gotten several email about…
it all started with the whole crazy idea of changing my theme. I have been Mrs. Moore’s Busy Bees for like ever and I felt it was time for a change. I started thinking rock star and then with all that I was drawn too felt it was too girlish. Years ago at a teacher conference there was a teacher there and I’ll never forget what she said. She said NEVER gear your lesson, decorating etc. towards girls ~ always keep the boys in mind. If you’ve got the boys the girls will come around..if you have it focused on the girls…well it just doesn’t work the other way. So in my head I was thinking pink boas, zebra print, hot pink lamp shades, ipod pillows, etc. Cute but —got me thinking about that haunting story from that teacher conference….SO…it will be owls and chevron. I’m obsessed with chevron and found some cute owls so there you go!
Here is a photo tutorial of my letters:
Here are some items you will need: sandpaper, paintbrushes, wood letters, modge podge, scrapbook paper
{1} Sandpaper the letters
{2} Lay the letter(s) on the scrapbook paper backwards…yes, backwards. I like to use the back of the paper so pencil lines don’t get in the way of the design. Cut it out carefully too.
{3} Now flip the paper over and after putting one layer of modge podge on the letter lay it down right on top carefully being sure to line it up. You can use a credit card to flatten out any bubbles if you find any.
{4} Now put another layer of modge podge right on top of the scrapbook paper. It will dry clear don’t worry.
{5} After it is dry you may have a teeny bit of overlap of the scrapbook paper. Use the sandpaper to GENTLY go around the edges of the letter. Not only does it flatten out the edges but it gives it a cute, worn look as well.
Ta-dah you have a beautiful WORD to add to your classroom. I love mine and can’t wait to put it up in my room.
Link on up and tell us what you have been up to:
PS I mentioned my friend Barb in my post yesterday. Look what she just made me…she is sooo super talented!!!

Love your letters!!!
Oh, this is so beautiful! I found you over at 4th Grade Frolics. I really want to try this over the summer! Yours came out beautiful!
Glad to be followin'!
The Teacher’s Chair
This is adorable! I was thinking about doing this next week!
Karmens Kinders
Ohh your letters came out sooooo cute! I also love your "mini-me." I wish I had one:(
Hi Wendy – My friend makes them for a fee – if you want one she will tailor it to your desires. Here is her email…She's awesome and her name is Barb – bj@johnsoncreations.com
I couldn't agree more with you thoughts on the boys. I'm K-5 myself and the girls adapt to everything, while boys are much tougher when it comes to stuff they don't associate with (colors, images, etc).
But I have seen a huge change in what boys wear over the last couple of years with all the pinks and hyper-colors…so I think change is happening.
This is such a big topic though, thanks for pointing it out.
Digital: Divide & Conquer
I LOVE your letters!!! 🙂 and your little lady! Your friend is super creative!
Cute letters! I teach 5th math, some Junior High, and Highschool (very small school). I have to remember I don't teach elementary all day, and to not get TOO crazy with my colors and ideas!
I completely agree- I think teachers tend to decorate more towards girls. The boys don't "care", but it's their room too! It's something I always try to keep in mind. 🙂
I'm following you back now!
Real Teachers Learn
Love those letters! I need to do something like that! I have owls as my theme too, but I do have quite a bit of hot pink and zebra…eeek! I also have aqua, so maybe that counts??? Hmmmmm…I'll have to think about this. ;O)
Collaboration Cuties
Thanks for the tutorial!! :O)
This looks adorable. I made a giant letter for a friend with pictures of the two of us training teachers and words related to what we worked on together. It really was cute! I love this idea and you make it look so easy!
Yay! Thanks for the tutorial! I'll definitely be doing this!
Awesome looking letters! I made a smaller version of the letters last year. Maybe I will do the larger ones for this next year!
BTW…thanks for stopping by my blog! I love visitors! 🙂
Mrs. B's Nook
In LOVE! I'm all about the chevron right now, and was just looking on Pinterest for cute ways to do 'READ' letters. Now, I'm all set! Thanks 🙂
First Grade Fairytales
Your DIY project turned out FABULOUS!
Great Job!
Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe
Thanks for the picture directions! (I am a visual learner) I've always wondered how to do this. Hobby Lobby, here I come!
Mrs. Laffin's Laughings
These letters are amazing! Thanks for the inspiration! 🙂
I love the patterns on your READ letters! This project is next on my list. Thanks for the inspiration!
Read With Me ABC
I featured your letters on my first Tuesday Tea Time Talk. I hope that's okay! 🙂
I LOVE the letters! One year the PTA made cute little letters similar to this that included our theme for the year, but since we change our theme EVERY year they aren't as useful anymore. I think I'll give these a try using this year's theme.
Sooo absolutely adorable and you make it look so easy! Love us some new room decor!
Happy Summer Friend!
~Christy & Tammy
Fluttering Through First Grade
Love, love, love your classroom 'READ' sign! So cute! Just saw those letter on sale at Michaels…maybe we should go back and get them…
🙂 Tamra and Sarah
First Grade Buddies
Your letters came out so cute and neat. I am looking to do the same thing but with the word NOISE for a classroom management technique I read about. Can't wait to try this out, thank you for the tutorial!
Thanks for the tutorial! Your letters turned out really cute!
Success in Second Grade
Thanks for sharing! I am definitely going to do this.