This morning when I was swimming I noticed something and it stuck with me. If you look at any lap pool or competition pool there are usually sets of flag markers at each end of the pool. They notify the swimmer that the edge is near and if you are swimming backstroke this is crucial to know.
Most elite swimmers know their stroke count and can easily come into their flip turn at the wall confidently. Well this morning only one side had the flags so I began to notice a pattern while I was swimming that got me thinking. I can easily apply this to my faith but I’m thinking I can apply this to my teaching year as well.
What I noticed even though I’ve been a swimmer for 35 years was that when I swam one way I swam with confidence, no dipping my head back under water to look for the wall ( while swimming backstroke ). I would count my strokes and flip into my turn effortlessly. But ~ as I went back the other direction somewhere around 3/4th of the way there I would fidget, look back underwater, lose the rhythm of my stroke a bit to see the wall. I finally decided that I would only swim backstroke one direction and do freestyle the other way for my long set. My first thought was this is so much like my walk with the Lord!
When I’m in His word, committed to my daily devotions, praying for situations and others I am confident not looking back, not fidgety – walking close to my Father. When I’m not doing these things I’m like the backstroker without those flags. I question myself more often, I am cautious trying to keep myself safe/protected.
If this doesn’t apply in your life you can also compare it to your teaching journey I suppose.
My first year or so I was seeking approval, certainly less confident and maybe at times a bit fidgety or nervous. ( especially when being observed ).
Now after 20 years in this profession I feel like I’m swimming down the side with the flags. I don’t need approval, I’m more confident in my abilities – yet still keep myself in check.
When I swim down the side with the flags I’m not so confident that I swim with my eyes closed. That wouldn’t be smart! I still look for the flags.
Well as a veteran teacher I still keep myself in check. Am I needing to call an SST on this little one? Have I followed through on that committee I signed up for? Was that lesson rigorous enough for those students that need to be challenged?
Yes I’m able to do my job more effortlessly but I still look for the flags to be sure I’m on track and giving my students or my Heavenly Father the best of me! Where do you fall in this scenario? Are you looking back without flags floundering a little, are you so confident your eyes are closed or…
are you confidently still looking for the flags to guide you as you teach or walk with the Lord?
I know I prefer when the flag markers are on both sides of the pool, it’s a great focal point for me to be successful on my flip turns.
Just as I need those to accomplish my goals in swimming, I need flag markers in my life to be sure I can have triumphant results with my relationships, job and most importantly my walk with the Lord.

I LOVE this!!!! I love it for so many reasons – your honesty, your challenge to us and your desire to serve Him above all else! I am going to share this with my sister-in-law who was a swimmer. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks Becky! xo
Thanks Becky! xo
I need to teach a lesson on FAITH this week to the women at my church. I hope you won't mind if I borrow your thoughts. 🙂
Of course, I'd be honored Dana! <3
Thirteen off the start and fifteen off a turn:). Great post! We all need checkpoints to keep us from hitting the wall.
Ahh another swimmer! I love it!
This was awesome……..and so true…
Mrs. Thigpen's Kindergarten
I love how true this is. It hits close to home right now with our little one swimming and teaching her that to our family reconnecting with their faith. Love it!!!
Yee-Haw in Kindergarten
What a great post! I love a little daily dose of happiness! Thank you!
Teaching Tidbits and More with Jamie
Vicky, I enjoyed your post!! I am so grateful for the woman's study group I am with who help keep me from floundering off course because I get so busy with life! Thanks for sharing your faith!
Thanks Christina!