Lightsaber pointers for reading

October 31, 2020

My students are going NUTSO for these and we aren’t even in person!  I’m just getting my early readers to focus on the text and work on one to one correspondence so they are seeing them under the doc camera.  These lightsaber pointers are a huge hit with my students!

Per your DM’s and requests:

It’s hard to even call this a tutorial ….seriously it’s so easy however I’ve had more DM’s on instagram about this so I thought I would just cover it here to make my life easy.

So, here you go….

lightsaber pointer tutorial for reading

As you can  see you just need the supplies listed above ( which you probably already have in your classroom or at home )

If not you can grab them here:

( affliliate links )

electrical tape:

pipe cleaner in bulk – cuz why not?!?! :

lightsaber pointers

lightsaber tutorial

And…you are all set!  You can easily and quickly and more importantly CHEAPLY make a class set of these lightsaber pointers for your students.  So much fun!  It would even make a fun gift for them for the holidays.  Be sure to choose pipe cleaner on the thicker side with lots of color options.

Have fun with it and visit  me over on Instagram and tell me all about your students reaction to them!

As always…

happy teaching!



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