Happy almost Halloween guys! The least favorite holiday of teachers everywhere right?!? I do love Halloween and dressing up but I’m definitely not a fan of the hyped up kids the day of and the day after that’s for sure. Halloween should always be on a Saturday night! #justsayin
I wanted to share a couple of costume ideas with you that I did last year and this year. Last year my team partner wanted us to dress up as Charlotte and Fern for Character dress up day. Since we are 3rd grade teachers it was perfect. Here we are:
My outfit was easy to make. I used white felt and my first thought was to hot glue black yarn down to create a web…as I laid the yarn down I realized this job was going to be tricky. So, I went to Party City and purchased a spider web decoration that can be put on your house and literally cut the middle and placed it on top of the white felt. Then I carefully placed it and hot glued it in several places. THIS made my life so much easier! Guys, the trick really is to pre purchase the web and glue it down. Lastly, I added a spider from Party City, glued that down and glued the words down which I spelled out with black yarn.
You can wear leggins, printed tights, whatever you want. I just wore a black skirt and striped legging tights to make it fun! Oh, and I did grab a spider headband at Party City too to wear on my head.
If you want one of your teammates to be Fern…all you need is a plaid shirt, overalls or jeans and some freckles put on my an eyebrow pencil. My friend added pig tails and carried a stuffed pig – HOWEVER, this year we have a third teammate so she will be Wilbur.
For Wilbur – just grad a pig headband and nose, pink shirt and pink leggings or tutu and you are all set.
Another fun costume I did which was this year is a giraffe. If you know me you know I LOVE giraffes! I have my whole life so this was perfect. Here’s how the look turned out:
If you needed to tie this look into a character from a book you could always use the book Giraffe’s Can’t Dance. Hope these ideas were helpful, I’d love for you to share your looks on my facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/teachingandmuchmoore/
I hope you survive Halloween week, as always :
happy teaching!