Get to know you Snowball Fight

August 22, 2018

Happy back to school my friends….I know a lot of you are back at it and a few of you have until September.

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  I wanted to share a really FUN idea with you that my new 2nd grade team shared with me this year.

We had a get to know you Snowball Fight on the first day of school.  The kids LOVED it!  It is literally NO PREP and tons of fun.  So much fun in fact that they all were super motivated to write about it in their journals as well.  #winning

get to know you activities first week of school

So this is how you ‘play’.  Give each child a plain, white piece of paper – I prefer whole piece so the snowball is bigger.  Have them write 3 facts about themselves ( can be done in 2nd and above )

I modeled it so it would be easy for someone else to read.




The facts had to be obvious – like brown hair, freckles, glasses, plaid shirt.  So it would be easy to figure out.  If you teach an upper grade you might be able to get away with more character traits if your class knows one another fairly well.

Then I said, “Time for a snowball fight!”  The kids THREW their papers ( which they loved of course ) and THEN they had to pick up a snowball.  Next, they sat back down and opened up their paper snowballs to reveal what was written inside.  Then they took turns reading what was written aloud and guessed who their person was…it was sooo much fun!!!

get to know you back to school activities

{ especially in Southern California }

back to school get to know you

This was a very simple activity, took a while and the kids were totally engaged!  Add it to your plans if you need a fun first week activity!

Happy teaching! 



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