Fluency posters are the perfect addition to your classroom! Keep them on a ring for reading groups, hang up the posters or use the banner option I’ve included to save space. These fluency posters have an engaging and eye catching theme: ROBOTS! It reminds them to NOT read like a robot!

These are a great reminder to your students what fluent readers look like, and extra cute with the robot theme. I’ve also included several options in this pack:
Bright polka dot theme
subtle bohot theme
smaller cards to put on a ring for easy access during your small groups
Poster banner ( much smaller than the posters ) to hang in your classroom if you are short on wall space like me.
If you like this pack, you may also like to read more about fluency from this previous blog post or this one.
These would not only look great hanging on a bulletin board behind your reading table but work as a great reference tool as well. Your students will fall in love with the robots and refer to these fluency posters often. As your readers rely less on their decoding skills and emerging as stronger readers the fluency piece becomes more important. These posters can serve as gentle reminders and help build their confidence.