**Flash Freebie** EXTENSION

February 12, 2013

To all my email subscribers – I didn’t realize there was a delay ~~  I’m so sorry – so in honor of you guys { and your emails } I’m extending my flash freebie.  It will start at 4:15 PST ( in a couple minutes ) and go until 6 pm.  DON’T miss it!!  I got several emails…I’m so sorry some of you missed it — so here is your chance.  I <3 my followers!!!


Here is the { link }

JUST be sure to LEAVE me some FEEDBACK LOVE :o)




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  • Yvonnee February 12, 2013 at 12:45 am

    Thank you sooooooooooo much! You're the best.

  • Unknown February 12, 2013 at 11:52 am

    Vicky, you are far too kind. Thank you. However, despite your best efforts, I still missed it. LOL! Your email didn't arrive until 1.10 am, Tuesday 12 Feb, PST. Am not sure if this happens to all email subscribers or if it is because I am in Australia, or a Hotmail user or something else entirely. Life is interesting, is it not?

  • susanlulu February 12, 2013 at 1:58 pm

    Your e-mail got to me at 4:10 am. I always get the blogs by e-mail a day after they are written.

  • vicky1970 February 12, 2013 at 2:44 pm

    Seriously TBell send me your email and susan lulu I will get you one too. I didn't realize how delayed it was…ugg!! Hope you enjoy it guys.

  • Unknown February 14, 2013 at 1:22 pm

    Thanks Vicky. My email is thursdaytook@hotmail.com

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