It’s that time again folks….I seriously can’t believe how fast this year flew by. I know, I know I say that every year. But really…someone needs to stop the clock because another year gone means my kids are another year older and my mama heart can barely take it!
You can peruse Pinterest and find all kinds of goodies if you’re stuck and in need of an awesome idea on what to give your kids or parent helpers…I just tweaked an idea I’ve seen several times.
For my students I purchased packs of sunglasses from Party City and added this tag:
If you would like this tag you can grab it { here }
Also for parent helpers this year I decided to use lemons from my lemon tree to make this special treat for them! It seriously cost me about $1.25 per gift. If you have a ton of parent helpers like I did a few years ago then this is for you! Rather than spending close to $100 on gifts for 9 parent helpers you can spend closer to $10.
If you love the parent gift tag you can grab it { here }
Enjoy!! What kind of parent gift ideas do you have? I’d love to hear about them and so would my followers. Share in the comments below. Happy Summer!