Dr. Seuss Shenanigans

March 7, 2014

Dr. YOU KNOW WHO had a big birthday this week and it is one of my most FAVORITE teaching days of the year. I have such a passion for teaching reading and so this day of reading celebration is right up my alley!

  We use to – back in the day make these super elaborate Cat in the Hat circular very tall striped hats with paper plates as the base.{ try saying that 10 times fast! }  Come on you all know what I’m talking about…yeah!  Well lets be honest…now that I have 28 kids that just AIN’T { yes I just said ain’t } happening….ain’t nobody got time for that now.  Yep, I just did it again. :o)

Anywho now we make a much simpler version of a Dr. Seuss day hat and I’m a big fan.  It’s just a sentence strip with blue pieces hanging down from it in all directions and a big splot of THING 1 or THING 2 on the front…done! check, next!  We still make green eggs and ham and do a predicting and what really happened activity on it.  First we predict whether we will like it or not then we decide if we did…like this

Dr. Seuss activities

We also made these Thing 1 and 2 guys with their handprints for hair.

Dr. Seuss activities, Thing 1 and Thing 2

So much fun…. how do you celebrate?


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  • Karyn March 7, 2014 at 3:36 am

    I LOVE the Thing 1 and Thing 2 crafts! So stinkin' cute! The hats are a riot too! You are so creative! :o)

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