Class Reward – Flashlight Friday

March 8, 2017

Hello, hello, hello ~ welcome to another edition of…

Friends, I have to share how much fun we had last week when we earned our class reward!  Oh my gosh it was the best day ever!

I love thinking of new and creative way to have rewards in my classroom – if  you need some ideas visit my Facebook Live for behavior ideas for Spring Fever here.

 I do several class incentives each month for behavior and really try to switch things up which I talked about in my Facebook Live video.  I relate it to metabolism…and how sometimes we need to switch up our workouts to get better results and shock our system.  Well guess what!?!?  Our students need a bit of that too, it sounds funny but trust me it’s so true.  Offering the same ol’, same ol’ incentives every day gets OLD really fast.  To keep your students on their toes and wanting to earn rewards you need to switch up what you are offering them if that makes sense.  

So, I try really hard to do just that.  In March I bring in what I like to call the Leprechaun on the Ledge….very similar to the Elf on the Shelf.  This Leprechaun is a plush one, I got mine about 8 years ago at a Hallmark store but you can also get one at

Here is one for under $12

Amazon leprechaun

He can leave notes to the students, get into trouble or be found doing silly things like switch up your schedule or drink a bowl of Lucky Charms, etc.  You decide what works for you and your students.  Even if you just want to use one of the notes I created in this pack and have him literally sitting on a ledge all through March you can do that…I tell my students he’s watching and he’s an extra set of eyes – especially if I have a sub.  You can grab my pack with lots of Leprechaun notes here

Another thing I love to do for behavior is a mystery word or sentence.  They earn letters until they spell it out, which is great – I love watching them ‘guess’ what something says.  This last week we earned a Flashlight Friday I called it.  It was ahh mazing!  We actually ended up doing it on a Thursday which happened to be Dr. Seuss Day and they had earned it on Wednesday so we just went for it.  In 23 years of teaching this was my FAVORITE class reward YET!  My students were beside themselves, engaged, reading and enjoying every minute.  I send a remind note to the parents through Remind which helped to have them bring in books, blankets and small flashlights.  They also had small flashlights and head lights at Walmart for only $1 so I bought some of those too.  

They had a blast and it was a favorite, we’ll be sure to do it again before June.

I really try to stay away from ‘food’ related rewards so I spell out words like: 

Extra Recess

Mystery Reader

Stuffed Animal Day


What are some class rewards you like to do?  I’d love to hear about it.


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