New items posted..
I just posted some new items to my TPT store…/qu/ stick together like glue… or peanut butter and jelly. It has the cutest clip art from Scrappin Doodles. I love…
I just posted some new items to my TPT store…/qu/ stick together like glue… or peanut butter and jelly. It has the cutest clip art from Scrappin Doodles. I love…
LEGO PARTY So Josh turned 10 today and it’s the first day of SPRING BREAK — how lucky am I ?!?! We have 2 weeks off and I threw my…
Also I still HAVEN’T found my camera card :o( but… re took these pictures to show something fun I did for my kiddos when they woke up on St. Patrick’s…
Well it’s baby steps but that’s okay right?!? I have offically listed my first item. It is a fun math center I have been using for years. I would love…
My first product at TPT has been posted…it’s not cutesy ( is that even a word ) but I will get there I promise. Baby steps right?!? How fun is…
I was suppose to post pics from our fun family St. Patrick’s Day but…I LOST my camera card and it has like 800 pictures on it!!!! Including school year pics…