I am in love with GoNoodle ~ here’s proof:
I’m linking up with my GoNoodle girls and several other talented teacher friends to bring you a GoNoodle Blitz
The idea behind GoNoodle is Brillant!!!! P.E. was cut years ago in my district and kids need little breaks to be active…hello! These brain breaks thrown in periodically throughout my day is amazing. Just what my kiddos need for sure! I had a ball at the TPT conference at their booth as you can see.
Here’s more proof: Even teachers need brain breaks:
Here are some pics from me last year with my class:
If I was stranded on a desert island what 3 brain breaks would I bring or hope to have?
1. The Chicken – We love dancing with the chicken!!!!
Maximo- He helps students be focused, stay calm and ready to return to work.
Any of the Run with Us videos- Sometimes kids just need to get their energy out…let’s be honest and this is a great way to do just that!
My kiddos love watching our champ grow and change as we participate in our brain breaks. I love to use it during transition times or after a big lesson and I know their brains are tired. My kids look forward to it everyday and they each have their favorites…some like yoga, some the chicken dance. There’s something for every personality in your class. Give it a try if you haven’t ~ you will fall in love!