Well I know most of you know me fairly well since I blog about family traditions and teaching but I still wanted to hook up with Amy Lemons and join her linky party. Here is some fun information about me…maybe you will learn a new thing or 2 about me…
My family is my <3 { heart } I am so blessed!
One of my other passions { swimming! } In the summer I swim laps everyday. I was a competitive swimmer growing up. I beat Janet Evans a few times ( of course it was my best stroke and one of her worst – LOL ) and broke an age group meet record of Dara Torres when I was 12.
Me in 2nd grade – my kids always get a kick out of this.
My hubby ~ We just celebrated our 16th anniv.
My mom ~~ My heart! I lost her 4/1/07…oh how I miss her. She was my best friend – I hate cancer!!
I have been to almost every state…
When I was 5 1/2 we went across country in our green 1970’s Nomad trailer towing behind the equally beautiful 1970’s station wagon. Although I was always bitter ( harsh word ) SAD that we didn’t have one where the back seat faced backwards…some of you might remember those… – hitting pretty much every monument/state, etc. My dad was an engineer and I’m pretty sure he took almost the whole summer off without being fired…WHAT?!? I still don’t know how he pulled that one off… it was almost an all summer vacation. We saw family, etc. I walked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and back up. ( I was bribed by my dad and 3 brothers to not get a piggy back and I would get a stuffed animal and candy ) — IT WORKED!! LOL The rest of the states I either hit traveling for national swim meets, swim camps, vacations, etc. We took an Alaskan cruise for our 10th anniversary/ Hawaii for swim meets and honeymoon.
I am a Christian and wish I read the bible more.
LAST totally RANDOM fact about me — when I was 16 and had my wisdom teeth pulled they pinched a nerve and to this day ~~ YIKES – I’m 41 I still can’t feel parts of my lower lip and have trouble putting lipstick on without a mirror. I always say if I get hurt/hit/attacked they could punch me in my lip and I wouldn’t feel a thing.
Go visit Amy and join in…I want to hear all about you now. :o)
PS Don’t miss out on the huge giveaway going on at The Idea Backpack!!

Not that having a numb lip is funny, but the way you said " I always say if I get hurt/hit/attacked they could punch me in my lip and I wouldn't feel a thing." made me chuckle 🙂
It was nice getting to know you better. I too could read the Bible more 🙂
My (Not So) Elementary Life
Hi Vicky, so jealous of your traveling. I would love to go out west.
Primary Paradise
I loved reading more about you Vicky!!!
I enjoyed reading about you. We have some similarities. I also have traveled across the United States. My parents, 3 brothers, and I went across the U.S. in 1969 and 1972. My dad had family in New York and Ohio. I went one more time as an adult in 1994. I would love to go again. I've been to all but 7 states.
I also am a Christian and would like to read the Bible more. A goal I have for this summer!
I lost my mom in Nov. 2008, just before Thanksgiving. I sure miss her!
I should do the link, but I've never done a link. I don't know how to do. There's so much for me to learn about blogging.
The Teacher's Jungle
Hi Vicky, I love your blog!
In the summer of '10 I brought my 5 children (and my mother, I bet you do miss your mom- I'm so sorry) on a cross country trip. We went to almost all the National Parks and lots of state parks, and it was AWESOME! We were on the road for 70 days in a van pulling a camper and we hit 45 states! I can relate to your great trip. I hope my children remember (and appreciate) ours when they are older.
Laugh Live Love Learn
Thanks for your comment. That's amazing that you have family in the same places that I do. My dad moved to Seattle when he was 10, but he still roots for Ohio State. That's impressive that your dad was inducted in the football hall of fame. My brother and his family just returned from a month long trip around the country. They had a good time. It was a great trip for the kids.
The Teacher's Jungle
What a fun post! Thanks for sharing so much. I've nominated your blog for an award if you don't have it already. Stop by mine to pick it up!
Classroom Compulsion
Ahh! I can't believe you have been to almost all of the states. I think I am adding that to my bucket list right now.
I just nominated you for the Versatile blogger award. Head on over to my blog to pick up your award. Congrats!
LOL – we had one of those station wagons with the backseat facing backwards! Although I really wanted my mom and dad to buy a van that had the flat bed area above the driver/passenger seats. Do you know what I am talking about?!
Anyway, come check me out! I am having a giveaway and would love for you to enter!
Timeouts and Tootsie Rolls
I loved getting a glimpse into your life outside of school. 🙂 It is so clear that your family is your heart. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!!!!