A peek at my { upcoming } week and the FROZEN elf

December 2, 2013

Hi my friends….why does the week off always go so much faster than the work week?!?  And while I’m asking why is this always true too???

So even though I could cry a little because my week of bliss is over I do have to admit I have a bit of giddiness in me too because of that…..ELF!!!!!  That elf is the BEST thing EVER!!!!  Some people hate that poor thing and don’t want to hear about it…go figure!

Yep, you sure do!!! LOL

So here is what we are up to this week….

behavior ideas for the holidays

I’ve got my new monthly behavior incentive all ready to go! The kids will be excited to see it tomorrow. 

My next project I have talked about with my kiddos for about 3 weeks now and I finally MADE it happen.  It took hours to do and I’m not even kidding. { Ok maybe I’m exaggerating a little but not really.  Do you know how long it takes to cut out teeny tiny pieces of Velcro…ugh!!  I hope it works for my very small handful of sweeties that blurt out every 5 seconds.  I have made this into a freebie too so click {here} for it.


This sweet little angel  naughty, sneaky friend is back and I can’t wait for all the fun we will have!!!!

She’s been in the freezer all day getting ready to arrive from the North Pole…shh!  Don’t tell!

Brr!  She’ll be nice and ready to arrive tomorrow.

I’ve got my reindeer craftivity all prepped and ready to go…You can cut down scrapbook paper and send it right through the printer if you didn’t already know that…

reindeer craftivityhttps://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Reindeer-craftivity-and-fun-pack-998748

I have decided though to turn it into a CCSS project by taking notes on reindeers and doing an informational writing piece and NO it’s not because the district curriculum police are coming to my room…I promise… { kinda! }


And it will just happen to go up on this board in the hallway before they arrive on Wednesday too. :o)

We will also be working on what I call the ‘h’ cousins – digraphs too

which you can pick up on SALE right now…oh yeah ~ Don’t forget the BIG HUGE CYBER MONDAY and TUESDAY sale over at TPT too.


Hope you are all ready for your week.  Tell me what you are up to…


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