Phonics Skill Review Activity

May 21, 2024

I love to use this phonics skill review activity at the end of the school year to review phonics skills, but you can use it throughout the year to review skills that have recently been taught.

If you have Magna Tiles ( I purchased mine here ) AL than this is an easy game to create. Just build a large rectangle with the connected Magna Tiles. Use a dry erase maker and write words all over them that focus on recently taught phonics skills. This phonics skill review activity will be a crowd pleaser for sure! It will look something like this:

phonics game with Magna Tiles for Literacy Specialists
phonics game

How to Play this phonics review game:

Once you have written the words all over the tiles have students one at a time say a word of their choice. Have them read it, use it in a sentence to connect to meaning, tell you the rule or something they remember about the rule and then they get to erase the word. For some reason, they love that part.

So, if a student read the word path they might mention that they know /th/ is a digraph or if they read stay they may say /ay/ is usually found at the end of the word.

  • phonics game with Magna Tiles
  • Magna Tiles phonics game
  • Magna Tiles Phonics Skill review game

Variations of Play

You can also give them a cube or small bean bag and have them toss it over the Magna Tile rectangle. They will then read the word their cube or bean bag lands on and go through the same steps as mentioned above for play.

You can also just write the phonics skills on them: like /ck/ /oi/ /ed/ etc. Then have them say the sound and think of a word that has that skill in it. So for /oi/ they might say boil, this makes it a bit more challenging for those students that need a little more.

Depending on the level you are working with you can also write letters on the tiles. Have students toss a cube and say the letter, say the sound and think of something that starts with the letter for alphabet review. This is a great way to work on the alphabetic principle.

Engaging Review

This game allows for review of concepts previously taught in a fun and engaging way! Your students won’t even realize they are working on phonics because they will be having so much fun. Anytime I can incorporate a hands on and engaging way to review concepts I’m all in. Give this phonics skill review activity a chance and I’m sure they will love it.

If you use it, tag me on Instagram, I’d love to see it in action!


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