Are you in need of some hump day help!? You’ve come to the right place…welcome to my newest edition of:
It’s nearing the end of the school year, you need a quick, inexpensive gift for your students…what to do?!! Maybe you are tackling state testing soon and you want a little something special for your students…well I have something I’m sure they’ll love. I’ve been making this fun little treat for my students for a few years now and it’s always been a big hit.
Honestly I’ve used it mostly for the end of the year but this year I’m prepping it to encourage them for state testing.
So all you need for this is:
blue construction paper or fun astro bright paper.
Smarties candy
raffia or other cute twine
card stock for tag
This is a cheap, easily prepped treat you can give to your students. It’s a way of saying: “Hey great job this year, you are so smart!” OR “I know you’ll rock the state test, you are incredibly smart!”
These are different versions I’ve done over the years. If you want to try it out you can get the template and pack FREE in my store
( here )
Give it a try and tell me what you think! Happy { almost } end of the year my teacher friends!