School’s almost out, you’re tired – wiped out. You are so close to summer vacay but have to be ‘checked out’. Maybe you have a checklist check out sheet like I do. The dreaded running around and getting #allthesignatures before you can ‘go home for summer.’
Maybe you are changing grade levels ( which involves more than just packing up obviously ), maybe your school is used for summer school or they just have you take everything down so they can clean more effectively. Whatever the case is, I have some tips to help a sista or brotha out.
If you haven’t done so yet….label #allthethings. A label maker would make it even better but if you don’t have one – either print out some cute labels or write your own. Everything will feel better in August if things are labeled properly and in the right place!! Your future self will love you – – – trust me on this one!
Take photos of your classroom!!! Sometimes you forget just how you had your room set up the year before and you loved it. The custodians come in and move everything and it’s hard to get it just the way you like it. If you have pictures on your phone you’ll be all set to complete your set up just how you want it.
Recruit help from your students. You know they LOVE to help you and are always asking what they can do for you. This is the perfect time to enlist their help. If you are having a read a thon day or movie day, ask a couple kids to help you pack boxes while they are watching the movie. Win – win, they want to help and you have extra sets of hands on deck. Not only can they help you pack up but they can tape down edges of bulletin board paper. Do you have to cover your cubbies or bookshelves up? We do so cleaning liquid doesn’t spray up and ruin our stuff. Your students can easily tape down corners for this job.
PURGE!!!! You know the adage, if you haven’t worn it in a year get rid of it?!? It works the same when you are organizing….if you haven’t used it and haven’t thought of it, you probably won’t miss it. I know, we all come across things we ‘forgot’ to use this year and are so happy when we come across it, but if you haven’t used it in a year or two or three, it’s time to toss it. Don’t be afraid and don’t feel bad about it either.
Label a box – AUGUST – and put all the things you will need in August. If you can’t get your cabinet keys right away and aren’t able to get to your stapler – put it in this August box and leave it out of your cabinet on a counter taped up. Your bulletin board letters for your August board, stapler, scissors, tape, and even passwords that you have written down somewhere right!?!? Maybe I’m just old but I have a #secretplace that I have my passwords put on a spread sheet in case I forget which #happensalot – anywho if you are able to reconnect your computer and can’t remember your password from the long summer break you could be in trouble. Another idea is cleaning supplies, I know this sounds silly but maybe the cleaning crew couldn’t get to your cubbies, etc. This August box will save you!
If you have to change rooms, pack up for whatever reason I hope you find these tips helpful! Remember you can find me every Wednesday ( during the school year ) here for new ideas and tips.
Happy teaching,