Welcome friends old and new…I’m excited to share another
with you this week. I have some fun craft ideas that are my must haves for December:
I love the holidays ~ Christmas lights, holiday music, cool weather in Southern California…it all makes me so happy! I have 5 MUST HAVE craft ideas for December that you will be happy you tried.
This Snowman countdown is perfect for any age really: If you teach preschool it would work with a small group and lots of direction. Preschoolers on up would love this countdown…I’m doing it with my 3rd graders this year even. It’s a fairly simple craft and all they have to do is move the carrot nose to countdown the days until Santa comes…if they celebrate a different holiday – NO WORRIES. They can countdown to anything special that they celebrate in December.
grab it ( here )
Reindeer Craftivity
This has been a big hit for the last few years in my classroom and hallway. It’s a fun craft that the kids can make unique by embellishing it. I use scrapbook paper for the skirt and bow for the girls, the hanging legs are just fun and it makes a darling display.
grab it ( here )
My parents in my class FLIPPED over this holiday card…I only wish I would’ve taken a picture of the card itself but you get the idea. I put up wrapping paper as a backdrop and strung lights around them ( that were plugged in ). The lights lit up and so did they….this made a fun little Christmas card for the parents. You can also place this picture on a piece of wood and mod podge over it to make a fun holiday decoration for years to come.
Having a Polar Express Party at home or school is always a favorite of kids! Have your kids come to the party or school wearing their pajamas…show The Polar Express and serve hot chocolate or chocolate milk if you are worried it will be too hot for little hands. Then work on this fun craft to finish off the night { boy and girl versions available }
grab it ( here )
I made these for my parent helpers one year as a thank you gift at Christmas…it was a huge hit. I used baby booty socks for the little hat. I purchased white glittery ornament balls and painted a snowman face on them, hot glue the baby sock hat and add ribbon. It makes a fun, unique gift – several comments and liked that I added the year and parent helper on it. I think it made it extra special and served as a memento of them helping out that year.
I hope these ideas are new and something that you can try out this holiday season. If you decide to try it out let me know below or if you have any further questions ask in the comments and I’d be glad to help you. Happy crafting! xo