I am having so much fun being back in 3rd grade! This is my 2nd year back and I just really love the age. I’m enjoying diving deeper into the units this year and coming up with some fun ways to teach them. Here are some fun things that we did this week:
So first we introduced POV this week. These adorable number clip art guys were made by my friend Susanna at Whimsy Clips. I introduced the concept and we worked on it for a couple days and then we made these cute pov people with her clip art and hung them up. The kids had a blast and the concept stuck!
You can grab my point of view unit { here }
The little circles are the hands and one says: The story is told by: and the second circle says: keywords. So they had to write the answers in and glue them on the correct POV person.
I have a few chair covers to match some holidays and I move them around the room all day for kids that are on task and engaged. It looks something like this:
Well I haven’t found one for November so I threw together a turkey hat and move that around all day. The child that has it at the end of the day get to visit our class treasure chest. I got such a kick out of it when he put it on his head. It reminded me that 3rd graders are still little. <3
My principal has promised our school that if we were to reach 300 PTA members he would shave his head at Friday line up into a mohawk and dye it blue. Well…for our little school of 400 students we reached our goal. He’s so fun and the kids loved watching his transformation!
Those 2 cuties are his kids watching daddy get a mohawk!
This lesson was so much fun and my kids got such a kick out of it! Thanks to More Time 2 Teach for this brillant idea and unit! We are working on the distributive property for multiplication and this worked like a charm. I borrow the dr. mask from our nurse and called our unifix cubes specimens… You can grab this fun unit
{ here }
Lastly I needed on more behavior tip to help us focus through until Thanksgiving: This is what I thought up:
This little guy has turned out to be such a blessing! I pre wrote goals on feathers and when my student meet those goals I tack up that feather. When the turkey has all his feathers we will have an extra recess..Whoop- whoop!
Well that about sums up my week! I hope yours was as fun and eventful as mine was.
For more fun ideas: follow me on Instagram Facebook

Where can I find the add a feather for behavior and pre writing goals? Thanks
Hi Crystal, I just drew a feather and wrote goals that met the needs of my students. Good luck! Thanks for stopping by! – Vicky
What other feathers did you create?
Hi Erin – I had a goal for working hard with our math facts, a goal for subs, a goal for behaving in PE/library, a goal for working hard in our performance practices for our musical, etc. Write some to meet the needs of your students, they will love it. Thanks for stopping in, Vicky