Gotta love 5 for Friday!!! It was such a fun week. We studied one of my favorite phonics skills /ar/…so of course we had our pirate hooks ready to go and wore them on our way home.
Click the picture to see my unit…
We also did a little more work on our rainforest habitat…here is an adorable rainforest monkey…not in my unit but super cute!
We also did a little celebrating of Cinco de Mayo today…some tortilla chips, guacamole and fun activities…
These cracked me up…what they would do if they ate a hot pepper…
My sweet ex student was a mystery reader today…so much fun!
Lastly we tried to wrap up our ‘people’ habitats. Every child is part of one of our habitats for open house…I’m not quite finished with this part yet. Some are inuit people, desert people, safari people, scuba divers – I think that’s it. Here’s one of our cute swimmer girls. Hope your week was fun too…what were you up? Link on up and share over at Doodle Bugs.

I LOVE your pirate hooks! They are super cute! I am you newest follower!
Rosie's Rambles
Wow – what a wonderful post! So many great ideas 🙂
I *LOVE* your people habitat idea – what a fun display!
I'll bet your kiddos had a blast with their "pirate hooks" – too fun!
Found you through Doodlebugs – and am so glad that I did!
Joy in the Journey
Awwwww, when I read your cutie Five for Friday I want to be a lower elementary teacher…for a second! :O)
How sweet that you had an ex student come read!!! That is so wonderful! You get to see them grow! By 4th grade they are ready to be 5th graders and in 5th they are too cool to really show you any love! :O( But, I love my 4th graders and I love when they want to read to their younger grade teachers!!
Happy weekend!
Collaboration Cuties
I love those pirate hooks…I've got to do that! We did a lesson on ar today, too. The word barf was mentioned frequently!!
Owl Things First
LOVE the pirate hooks!!
Kimberly Ann
Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten
Oh my gosh, I LOVE your pirate hooks!!!! What a cute idea!!
A Sunny Day in First Grade
Loved reading your post this week! I am a new follower, as I just found your blog through the Five for Friday linky. I will be back…
Sarah @ Hoots N' Hollers
We're going to have a pirate day in june and I love your ideas! Thank you! I am new follower!
/ar/ is in two weeks for us! I LOVE your pirate theme for it!
I will have to remember your ideas for /ar/ next year. Those hooks are too cute! I am a new follower!
Still Teaching After All These Years
Your hook hands are just too cute AND you don't have to worry about anyone losing an eye! Love it Vicky!!!
~Christy & Tammy
Fluttering Through First Grade